Sunday, January 30, 2011

Mmmm butter

For those of you who can relate and have struggled before you know of the eating "rules" that you make up for yourself in a restrictive time... "no fat, no carbs, no chocolate, no dessert, low sugar, low cal"... etc.  The longer you play the game the more rules you get and I can certainly admit I racked up an entire user manual for my eating back in the day.

For those of you who don't relate...well you probably still can.  Our society today has normalized dieting.  Everywhere you turn there is a low-cal/carb/fat option for the food you didn't feel guilty about eating before given the 100 different options on how to make it "healthier".  I swear soon the aisles at grocery stores are going to be arranged in calorie order.  But before I get anymore on my "I hate the 60 billion dollar diet industry that's been created" rant (more of that for later) let me get back on track for this post.

So basically long story short I cut a lot of things out of my diet for a long time.  I didn't allow myself to enjoy foods in a way that was satisfying and fulfilling.  Naturally an ingredient that "had to go" was fat and by fat I mean I didn't pick up oil or butter for at least a year.

Recently one lazy Sunday morning I decided to toast a leftover roll for breakfast, planning to spread my usual cream cheese and jelly on top.  However when it came out of the toaster something about the sweet homey smell of the roll just left it begging for butter.  Without even thinking I grabbed the butter out of the fridge, sliced a slab onto one side of the roll, topping it with the other and waited for that moment when it was all melting in butter and delicious.

This was a BIG DEAL for me.  I had used butter already in recipes here and there but still the thought of just putting plain old butter on something and eating it all by myself freaked me out.  Something in me didn't wan to say no anymore though.
Boy was I glad I let butter back into my life.  It's just SO good.  It's salty yet sweet.  The way it melts, coating the inside of your mouth and leaving a little grease that just lingers on your fingers.... MMM! I know a little graphic for butter but believe me when you have kicked food out of your life for so long it is on the same level as being sexually deprived.

Keep ordering,


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